Friday, July 27, 2012

The Best Dessert Ever

The weather was as good as gold. The blazing fiery sun shone down on me.
“Who’s up for an ice-cream?” My mum enquired. As quick as a flash I zoomed into Wendy’s away from the heat. Patiently, I waited as my mum ordered my super mega sundae.
My hungry eyes stealthy spied the lady carefully serving my yummy ice-cream. Whipped cream oozed from the noisy machine. Hundreds and thousands sprinkled proudly on top with a topping of delicious chocolate sauce it drips down the ice-cream like a flowing river.
Gleefully, they hand me the masterpiece it was immense! The shiny silver spoon pokes out the side perfectly. Slowly I devouir it down like a hungry monster. Evrey single bite is like gold. Mmmm! Whipped cream slid down my body releasing a massive burst of lusciousness. I wonder if mum will let me have another one?

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